
Posts tagged "Salter Fine Cutlery Blog"

What should I know about your knives? Part 2

What should I know about your knives? Part 2

Continuing with our blog series which answers questions I most frequently receive, today we discuss this very-often-asked question:  IS THERE ANYTHING I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MY NEW KNIFE? Here are a couple of the main points you should know....


What should I know about your knives? Part 1

What should I know about your knives? Part 1

Japanese knives are so much fun to cook with! From personal experience, this writer can attest to the difference between using any production knife and a handmade, high-quality Japanese knife. Besides the perfect balance, feel and sharpness, it is quite...


Bloomberg says Salter Fine Cutlery Knives are Gifts Worth Giving

Bloomberg says Salter Fine Cutlery Knives are Gifts Worth Giving

Bloomberg Says Salter Fine Cutlery Knives Are Gifts Worth Giving Looking for the ideal holiday gift? Bloomberg announced this week that you need look no further than Salter Fine Cutlery. Our handcrafted collectible cutlery caught the attention of the most...


Gregg Salter Knives get mention in Luxury Magazine Feature Article

Gregg Salter Knives get mention in Luxury Magazine Feature Article

Exciting news today when Luxury Magazine highlighted our custom chef knives and sets in a recent feature article. According to a quote in the article, "As a chef, your knife is an extension of your hand; it's a tool that's...


Why purchase a handmade knife-Part 4

Why purchase a handmade knife-Part 4

In part 3 of this series, we talked about partial tang or 'wa' handle Japanese knives and the difference in the quality of tang design in our partial tang knife offerings versus most others. We also discussed what a 'wa'...